S T E V E N    B A L O G H

2023 New York City Art Brige II. Governors Island, TAAC House, New York, NY, US

2023 Intermezzo, Gallery RIVVA, New York, NY, US

2023 Summer Contemporary Art Fair, Új Műhely Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary

2023 Aligned, Gallery MC, New York, US

2023 Nine artists from the VLS, Békéscsaba, Hungary

2023 The Collection (1900-2022), FERENCZY MÚZEUM CENTRUM, Szentendre, Hungary

2023 Vernissage XXII. Gallery RIVVA, New York, NY, US

2022 Retrospective of the Grady Alexis Gallery New York, NY, US

2022 ÚjMűhely Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary

2022 Stacked, Gallery MC, New York, US

2022 Voelker Orth Múzeum, New York, US

2022 YV Contemporary Art Museum, Acton, MA, US

2022 Fél1ooMÉLY ÉV 1 PINCEMŰHELYBEN| 5o éves a VLS, Szentendre, Hungary

2022 Deep - focus, International group exhibition, Gallery RIVAA, New York, Us

2022 XIX. Táblaképfestészeti Biennalé, Szeged, Hungary

2022 Vernissage XXI. Gallery RIVVA, New York, US

2022 Random,MC Gallery, New York, NY, US

2021 A helybenjárás metafizikája, VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary

2021  7 Artists Summons, Gallery MC, New York, NY, US

2021  Out of The Studio 2, Gallery MC, New York, NY, US 

2021  XLI. Summer exhibition, Reök Palace, Szeged, Hungary, Europe

2021  Vernissage 20th RIVAA Anniversary Exhibition, New York, NY, US

2021  MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART HANGZHOU, Opening Exhibition, Hangzhou, China, Asia

2020  Personal Identity Matter, Exit 2020 International Group Exhibition, Organized by Gallery MC, New York & Iksong Jin, Chungbuk National University, South Korea, Asia

2020  YANGZHOU CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM, Photo Exhibition, Yangzhou, China, Asia

2020  Gallery MC, New York, NY, US

2019  Museum of Fine Arts, Yangzhou, China, Asia 

2019  TIME, Gallery RIVAA, New York, NY, US

2019  DimensionsReök Palace, Szeged, Hungary, Europe

2019  Unexpected, Gallery RIVAA, New York, NY, US

2019  Urban Tribes III., El Taller Art Center, New York, NY, US

2019 Independent Cogitate, New York Contemporary Art Center, 120 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY

2019 Urban Tribes II.New York Foundation for the Arts, Dumbo, New York, NY, US

2019 Urban Tribes I. Eng Tay Gallery, Tribeca, New York, NY, US

2019 VAJDA 111, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

Art Capital associated exhibition by Vajda Lajos Studio members to celebrate Lajos Vajda's 111th birth anniversary

2019 Vernissage XVIII, Gallery RIVAA, New York, NY, US

2018 How You Use It, The Grady Alexis Gallery, New York, US  

2018 "Exit - 2018" - The 9th Door - International group show, Gallery MC, US

2018 Armory Show week Gallery MC, New York, US

 Armory Show 

2017  Chaos and order, Reök Palace, Szeged, Hungary, Europe

2017 "Unidos II." The Grady Alexis  Gallery, New York, NY, US

2017  Fully Loaded, Pfizer Building, Brooklyn, New York, NY, US

2017  Rewoven part II., El Museo de Los Sures, New York, NY, US

2017  Rewoven part I., QCC Art Gallery/ CUNY, New York, NY, US

2016  Four artists of Studio Lajos Vajda, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

2016  When the fear disappeared II., Peter Mansfeld Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

2016  When the fear disappeared I., Museum of Csallóköz, Dunajská Streda, Slovakia, Europe

2016  Center of the Universe, Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

2016  Across Borders, UAPR Gallery, Marosvásárhely/Tárgu Mures/ Romania, Europe

2016  Across Borders, Limes Gallery, Komarno, Slovakia, Europe

2016  Across Borders, Flóris Rómer Museum, Győr, Hungary, Europe

2015  Harmony, ArtMill, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

2014  Fetish, Taboo, Relic, VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

2013 What the Blazes – 40 years of Lajos Vajda Studio, ArtMill Modern and Contemporary Art Centre, Hungary, Europe  

2008 Outflow and mesmerizm – Influence of 1968 to contemporary Hungarian Arts Gallery Central, Hungary, Europe  

2007  VLS exhibition Contemporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia, Europe

2006 In terms of mimezis, Pecs Gallery, From the Comptemprorary art collection of Museum Tragor Ignác , Vác, Hungary, Europe

2002  VLS Jubilee exhibition Műcsarnok, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

2001  Armenian Cultural Centre, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

2001  Honti Museum, Ipolyság/Sahy, Slovakia, Europe         

2001  ART-MA, Gallery, Dunaszerdahely/Dunajska Streda, Slovakia, Europe

2001  Imre Madách, Cultural Centre, Vác, Hungary, Europe

2001  Sugar Gallery, Esztergom, Hungary, Europe

2000  ARENA 2000-Wien, Vienna, Austria, Europe

2000  "New artworks” Greek church gallery, Ignac Tragor Museum,Vác , Hungary, Europe

2000  "New Studio 5” from VLS , VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

2000  Community House, Szőgyén/Svodín, Slovakia, Europe

2000  Community Gallery, Szímő/Zemné, Slovakia, Europe

2000  Community House, Nagykér/Vel'ky Kyr, Slovakia, Europe

2000  Lilla Gallery, Hetény/Chotin, Slovakia, Europe

2000  Town Gallery, Párkány/Sturovo, Slovakia, Europe

2000  Udvard, Dvory nad, Slovakia, Europe

1999  Valley of Arts Festival, Kapolcs, Hungary, Europe 

1999  Cultural Centre, Pilisvörösvár, Hungary, Europe 

1999  Kulturzentrum Babylonia, Berlin, Germany, Europe

1999  Géza Féja Cultural Centre, Esztergom, Hungary, Europe

1999  House of Hungarians, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1998  VLS exhibition New Gallery, Nagyvárad, Romania, Europe

1998  VLS exhibition Culturpalace Art Gallery, Marosvásárhely, Romania, Europe

1997  VLS exhibition Győri Gallery, Győr, Hungary, Europe

1996  Nineteen artists from Lajos Vajda Studio, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1996  Hungarian – American Contemporary Artists , Washington DC ,US

1996  Hungarian Consulate, New York, NY, US

1994  Art Warehouse New York, NY, US 

1994  Hungarian-American Comtemprorary Artist, Hungarian Embassy, Washington DC, US

1988  Jamaica Art Center, grand price, New York, NY, US

1986 "New mixed” VLS, Szentendrei Gallery, Szentendre,Hungary, Europe
                 Participated artists:  János Aknay, Péter Bereznai, Mihály Gubis,Sándor Győrffy, Tibor Imreh,
                 Viktor Lois,László fe Lugossy, Károly István Selényi, IstvánTóth, István ef Zámbó.

1986  VLS exhibition, Kaposvári Gallery, Kaposvár, Hungary, Europe

1986  Contemporary Art Forum, Almássy square, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1985  I. Graphic art exhibition, Nagykörös, Hungary, Europe

1985  Summer art exhibition in Fészek Artists club Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1984  Traveling exhibition, Austria, Europe

1984  Young Artits Club, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1983  "Art Festival" KÖZGÁZ Budapest,Hungary, Europe                                                                                                                                    .                                                  Paticipated artists:Imre Bukta,Sándor/y/Bernáth,Károly Kelemen,Loránt Zuzu Méhes,János Vető,András Wahorn,                                          István ef Zámbó

1982  Bercsényi Collegium, Budapest, Hungary, Europe with Adam Kéri and István Tóth

1982 "Different kind of realism”, Fészek Artists Club, Budapest, Hungary, Europe
                 Participated artists: Sándor Bernáth/y/, Imre Bukta, Viktor Lois, László fe Lugossy, András Wahorn, István ef Zámbó

1981  Vels, Ausztria, Europe

1981  VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

1980  STUDIO "5”, VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe
                Participated artists: Péter Bereznai, Tibor Imreh, Viktor Lois, Károly István Selényi, István Tóth

1980  VLS , County Library, Szeged, Hungary, Europe
                Participated artists: Péter Bereznai, Sándor Bernáth/y/, Imre Bukta,Viktor Lois, László fe Lugossy, András Wahorn, István ef Zámbó

1980  VLS, Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe
                Participated artists: László fe Lugossy and Péter Bereznai

1979  International Graphic Bienniale, Cleveland, UK, Europe

1979  VLS Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

1978  Lajos Vajda Studio, Club Kassák, Budapest, Hungary, Europe

1978  VLS, Dimitrov County Center for the Arts, Veszprém, Hungary, Europe

1978  VLS Gallery, Szentendre,Hungary, Europe

His works can be found in museums and private collections.

Godwin - Ternbach Museum, New York,

Ignac Tragor Museum, Vác, Hungary, Europe

Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe
